Update 2/23/2020
First and foremost, prayer is in order. The ramifications of Bill of Peace 2020 is staggering. If you don't know the Lord, now is a good time.
I am pleased to announce that everything is go for settlement for enforcement via private side congressional bill. Those who cannot be in D.C., it is your duty to begin contacting your legislators Tuesday, February 25, by phone, fax, email, and even snail mail and continue until further notice. Go to the 2/10/2020 update for interfacing instructions.
Information and DVDs for legislators have been prepared. All interfacing in D.C. will be coordinated. All people assisting in D.C. are requested to first attend one of the meetings outlined in the 2/21/2020 update.
The document list has been updated with some items added and some deleted.
Except for the actual opt-in image files, what legislators will receive is listed below.
Folder A Contents:
3199 Opting In – Confidential, except to legislators
Folder B Contents:
Folder C Contents:
Index of information provided to legislators on DVD
B. Folder containing the following files:
01 Conditional Acceptance for Value upon Proof of Claim J3:16fGsltwthghobS
02 Opportunity To Cure J3:16fGsltwthghobS
03 Dispute Negotiation J3:16fGsltwthghobS
04 Complaint for Arbitration
05 Arbitration Award - Recorded in Randolph Co. Courthouse
06 Bill Of Peace 2020 Congressional Private Side Enforcement Bill
07 Admissions and Stipulations – Restatement of Proof of Claim
C. Supporting documents
a. 1792 Bill for Remedy and Relief 2nd Congess – highlighted
b. 1925 Arb. Act STATUTE 43 pgs. 883-886
c. 2018 Supreme Court Schein Case wi Kavanaugh Opinion on Arbitration (folder)
d. Bill of Peace 2020 Arbitration Award Summary Locked
e. Blackstone – Parliament is the highest court – highlighted
f. Doctrine of Ultra Vires
g. Elkins Inter-Mountain Arbitration Award Article 12_21_2020 (folder)
h. History of & Blackstone Commentaries on Arbitration (folder)
i. HR 1423 – Bill Attempting to Rescind Arbitration of Civil Rights Disputes (folder)
Thanks to everyone for their awesome work. Special thanks to Nic for Sean for the daunting task of handling all the questions and opt-in files. Keep checking this website for further updates, live progress interviews, and anticipated live video streaming.