- Government of, by and for corporations in default and dishonor!
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Update 4/15/2020 - For Such A Time As This
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Comments, Important Media Links, & a Piece by Mike King:
The current “Plandemic Saga” is a world-wide web Hegelian Dialectic. Synonymous identifiers are problem-reaction-solution, thesis-antithesis-synthesis, crises management and order out of chaos. It is the most effective known means of societal manipulation. It best conceals the perpetrators.
Whether Covid-19 is man-made, more or less serious than the normal flu, for all the marbles, or a trial balloon, prayer with educating the mind manipulated masses, mm&m’s, is paramount.
With realization of the NWO’s endgame, the responsibilities demanded of the people by their Creator, and the fact that a legal and lawful arbitration order for remedy and relief has been issued on behalf of all Americans, a monumental change could be had.
Important points to be made:
1. The Lord was, is, and will always be in control.
2. Sin has consequences.
3. Other than the reprobate with seared consciences, all can repent, turn from their wicked ways and receive the gift of salvation.
4. All nations are sinful, hence the current travail.
5. Without repentance and turning from wicked ways, there can be no healing of the land.
6. Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. This is our watch and while we inherited a mess, all people are here at their appointed time and responsible for what they do and what they fail to do.
Definition of RIGHT – 1823 Noah Webster’s Dictionary:
Conformity to the will of God, or to his law, the perfect standard of right is a straight line of conduct, and wrong a crooked one. Right therefore is rectitude or straightness, and perfect rectitude is found only in an infinite Being and his will.
Bill of Peace 2020 becomes more important and pressing with every day. That we don’t have lawful government, but rather a government populated at high levels with deceived and demonic minions of mayhem, is increasingly revealed to those that have eyes to see and ears to hear.
It is a daily decision to serve the Lord. Only the truth will set you free and Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
With no apologies… Phil Hudok
The following links are FYI. I am in agreement with most of the info.
Dan Dicks Pandemic Video wi Ron Paul –
Communist take-over now official?
National Guard Checkpoints, Door-to-Door Searches in Rhode Island:
Amazing Polly The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand
Dr Fauci and The order of the Jesuits
“Out of Shadows”: A Documentary About Hollywood and the Occult Elite
Share This Now and We Can End The Lockdown:
Larken Rose How to be a successful Tyrant from his book:
Larken Rose’s book The Most Dangerous Superstition:
A Warning Shot At Deep State Covid-19 Accomplices
4/7/20 Jon Rappoport - Audio 1:02
4/9/20 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Audio 60 Min
4/11/20 Dr. Knut Wittowski - Audio 20 Min
My Favourite Things - Covid 19 version – The Sound of a Pandemic –
Fictional Piece - Debunking the Covid Hoax - by Mike King
PDF download of the piece below: